
The policies have been developed to help students receive quality instruction in an orderly educational environment.


Purpose: This policy is enforced to ensure all students can fully participate in their program.

General Attendance: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on time.

Cancellation and Rescheduling: Students may cancel or reschedule a class without charge if they provide notice at least 24 hours in advance. Notifications should be made via email, phone, or text.

Frequent cancellations or rescheduling (more than two per month) may lead to a review of the student’s enrollment in the course.

Absences: Absences must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Reasons for absences include but are not limited to forgetting the lesson, choosing another activity during the scheduled lesson time, or unnotified absences.

Unexcused absences will not be eligible for tuition refunds. Excessive unexcused absences (more than two per month) may result in removal from the lesson schedule.

Late Arrivals: Students arriving more than 10 minutes late will be marked as late, and instructors are not required to extend the instruction time if a student is late.
Instructors who are late must either extend the lesson or make up the time in subsequent sessions.


Purpose: To facilitate a smooth educational experience, we outline our tuition payment requirements as follows.

Payment Schedule: Tuition fees are collected monthly and are due at the first lesson each month. Please contact us to make arrangements if you cannot pay at the first lesson.

Payment Methods: We currently accept the following payment methods: PayPal, Venmo, credit card, check, and cash payment methods.

Late Payments: Late payments are given a grace period of 5 days after the due date. After this, a late fee of $10 each day will be applied. Continuous non-payment may result in suspension from classes.

Refunds and Credits: Refunds or credits may be issued under the following circumstances: Cancellation by the institution, long-term illness, emergency problem, etc.

Invoices and Receipts: Invoices are issued upon payment, and receipts are provided for all transactions. Please retain your receipts for your records.